My sister Lilia asked the front desk if they could help us. They gave us a number of a lock smith. My other sister Kahi found a couple of maintenance guys if they had a slim jim or a wire hanger. A little while later one of the maintenance guys returned with a wire hanger. I started to use the hanger to break in... sadly I've had to do this before, Kelly can testify to that!! As I'm trying to break in... Two poly guys show up and ask us if we need help. Pua and Kahi had gone to the store
to and bought a wire hanger. When they came back one of the guys offered to try break in on the other side.
As were both trying to break in several other guests as well as maintenance works stopped to ask us if we needed help or just stopped to state the obvious... got locked out of your car huh?! GEES GEORGE THANKS!!! We continued trying. My poor sisters had 9 hunger and restless kids to take care of in the mean time. Lilia got into the coolers and started making peanut butter sandwiches. We didn't have a knife handy, so she used her finger to spread the peanut butter. The also pulled out an activity and had the kids make their own visors with somet stick on letter and shapes. Yay for handy and accessible crafts!!!
I finally gave in and let someone try. We tried everything we could think of... several times. Nothing was working. But those guys were so nice. And their wives were so patient!!!! I was so grateful. Later the first maintenance guy who brought us the hanger stopped by again. So he took over for one of the other guys. Soon after... he got the door opened! HOORAY!!!!!!
Moral of the story.... make lots of spare keys and put them all over the place. AND don't lock your phone in the car so you can't call someone besides a locksmith for help!
I still can't believe the hotel SECURITY doesn't have a slim jim to help guest get into their car if the keys get stuck... maybe it's a strange policy or something. Kinda weird since you can find at least three people in Laie with a slim jim... HA HA HA!
Man the resourcefulness of mothers! My aunts are the same like your sisters... able to figure out ways to occupy hungry antsy children.
Thank you so much for that story! I just logged on to take a break from work and decided to check people's blogs. Sure enough you pulled through for me and gave me an entertaining story.
I love you! I'm glad everything turned out all right. and wouldn't you know it's the poly's that come through for each other.
autny nia, i love you. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh, Venice...I think something like this only happens to you!! I mean, in the time I have known you, you have had to break into your OWN car at LEAST once a year...sadly sometimes more. But, I do appreciate that your misfortunes can entertain the rest of us :)
Love you!
Nia! That's my brother (Wade) and his friend Moses! I'm almost positive!!! Did they tell you their names. I'm gonna have to call him.
Confirmed, it was my bro and Moses. What a small world. And they say thank-you again for the chocolate covered macademia chocolates!
And on a side note, glad to see you blogging....I think we are officially on every social network now.
I don't know how you managed everything with 8 KIDS. Even with three adults that still hectic. I can barely manage my two!
NO WAY!!! TIA... that's just crazy! And awesome all at the same time. What are the chances?! Seriously! What a small world. OH MY GOSH... you'll have to thank Wade and Moses again for me. They were awesome. I was so thankful for them. They're more then welcome for the choc mac nuts... if I had more I would've given them more!!!
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