Monday, August 17, 2009

The Wedding

Here's a couple pictures from my friend Sarah's wedding.... I'll get more and post them later.

Me in my dress

Kahi and I made this! =)


Kahanu said...

You are beautimus!! And great job on the flowers! I love and miss you and can't wait to see you soon!luvs

Theodora Salanoa said...

Gotta say, I love the new hair cut. I know this is the wrong post, but who cares. Anyhow, its good to see that you are still alive. I was getting a little worried there because I hadn't seen you post anything in so long. Anyhow, hope all is well with you. Know that we love and miss you very much...

♥Dora Salanoa

Atwood Ohana said...

What?!?!?!? You and Kahi made that bouquet? It's so pretty! I wanna learn how to do that! And your hair cut is so pretty too. If you'd ask me before if you should cut it, i would have yelled, "Heck NO!" but i have to admit, it looks beautiful!!!!! Keep the blogging up! I love checking your blog cause you always have interesting things to say. love ya!

Atwood Ohana said...

OH!!! and you look absolutely amazing in that dress! You have to keep it! it's not too dressy for church. you look so good in it!!!!!

mary said...

hey nia!!! just dropped by to say hi. i know i'm way late, but i can't believe you cut your hair!! haha way cute, though. hope all is well with yoU!